Last April, my family visited New York City on a gorgeous spring Sunday.
We parked our little Fiat 500 near a Nissan GTR in the municipal parking garage near Chinatown and walked, walked, walked and walked to Rockefeller Center to visit Nintendo World.
I've always wanted to do that walk. For me, walking is the best way to think and just "be" alive.
Walking puts you right in the there.
Walking puts you in the now.
Walking puts you here, where you need to be.
Walking is the best way to see and "feel" life in New York City.
Taxis are great to get you there, but if you want to stretch out the "getting" and soak it all in: Walk!
New Yorkers squeeze parks into every nook and cranny they can find. There are plazas and squares and lots of places for weary walkers to stop and sit and people watch.
Food trucks plant their four wheels and myriad of tantalizing smells near the parks.
With the spring yellow and purple flowers sprouting, all of New York wanted to "be" outside.
Everyone wanted some sun on their skin.
"Being" in New York means sensual satisfaction is offered on every inch of sidewalk in the form of street music and street art. Walking in New York means you are part of the Art Movement.
Music and art overflows and beckons walkers from park to park. Horns honk to move it; keep it going.
We made a few stops on our trip and just soaked it all in. We watched city dogs play in their little doggie parks. A Persian festival with exotic wealth partied in one corner of Union Square. After eating lo mein and the world's largest potstickers we bought from an idling truck, our footsteps led us to discover an art fair with tables showcasing paintings, prints and all forms of art set up near the doggie park.
Just past the tables, our favorite art was Felix Morelo's chalk art, "Bad Luck Spot" and his chalk faces.
I want you to take some time and "feel" Felix Morelo's art. I know you can't jump up and drive to New York City RIGHT now, so I've collected some places for you to explore and made a footpath of Good Luck Spots dedicated to Felix Morelo below with images I pulled from Google Images for you to follow and to wish the artist success on his own journey.
You can read about Felix Morelo's chalk faces and buy some of his art here: Official Felix Morelo web page: and check out Felix's Online Space and Store
Get to know him and his work on facebook at: The Felix Morelo on Facebook
Here is a link to videos of Felix Morelo's work on YouTube:
YouTube Videos
Cool blog post:
The Most Loved Man in NYC
Although some of the bad luck spots have a dark message, the crowd's reaction to the dark messages tended to be an eruption of laughter and sometimes a shriek or two to get out of the Bad Luck Spot!
Felix also has created PDA Spots (Public Display of Affection) and Good Luck Spots.
Thank you, Felix, for your beautiful, artistic message about life: PAY ATTENTION to every step in your life. Walk your life, "be" in your life, be alert and ready.
I hope you continue to enjoy all the faces you encounter in your path and that there are a lot more PDA Spots and Good Luck Spots in your future.
Thank you for the warning about the Bad Luck spots. Wouldn't it be great if we could see and avoid bad luck spots in real life?
A Footpath of Good Luck Spots for the Artist, Felix Morelo
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