It's sleek!
It's shiny!
It's a saucy little Samsung Series 5. I love it! I haven't had my "own" computer since before I got married.

My husband has built us several computers over the years and we have a large and ever-growing family of computers in the house (along with as many hand-held devices that you can imagine), but the only other computer that was truly mine was an old "Leading Edge" computer I bought through the University of Iowa's student computer purchase plan.
It's such a great feeling to have my very own machine!
Sure, I've had access to many wonderful computers over the years - Macintoshes in the computer lab at the U of Iowa, IBMs and HPs at Emerson and my first work lap top at the travel company I worked for a couple years ago.
Before that, it was all desk computers. I had a snazzy little PDA, an Edge, that was the BEST thing since sliced bread.

Now, the next big project for me will be to get all my old stories off those archaic floppy disks. I'm really hoping that I managed to transfer them onto the small floppy disks and that they are not all still on the big floppy disks.

Last year, I took three or four "ancient" computers to Staples and paid them $10 each to take them to recycle.
I wonder how long Sam has before he's considered too old to load with "new" software?
As a mom, I know I never look at my kid and think that in 80 years, she'll have been superseded by at least three generations of new Hansens.
So, Sam and I have been working hard together to write my third "Guy" book. We've surfed the web, customized software and driven my husband bonkers asking about all the options.
So many options, so little time!
Thanks, Sam, for helping me write my first blog on your lovely keyboard. Your beautiful purple screen saver is surely a sight for sore eyes.
I can't wait to see all the beautiful scenes we create together over the next 3-4 years.